Do you need help with planning, designing, migrating or operating your technology environments? We can help by developing operating models for applications and application cost optimisation that work for you. Our focus is on finding solutions that work for you and the specific needs of your organisation. The process is highly collaborative and adaptable, drawing on a range of technologies and methods to find the perfect solution for you. We design our solutions for maximum accessibility, and hand-tailor them to the capabilities and requirements of your team.
We will provide guidance and technical knowledge to ensure you make the right decisions when implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 or Microsoft Power Platform.
With any implementation, you cannot underestimate the importance of having the right governance, tools and methodologies in place up front to manage your release cycles, DevOps or deployment methods. Giving you complete version control.
Typical surveys are great, but chat bots are better! They provide an even better user experience and more accurate feedback. That’s where App Discovery comes in.
We’ve developed an App Discovery Chat Bot that gives you insight into the problems and challenges your people are facing and ideas on ways they can be improved. From there, we can recommend intelligent app solutions that will add so much value in saved time, energy, and resources to your organisation.
We can help by developing fit for purpose Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications that include integration and migration. This blueprint for project success covers Plan, Design, Analysis, Develop, Test, and Implement phases.
We believe that every business is unique and your strategic approach and roadmap should reflect that.
We help you assess immediate requirements with an IT strategy review, covering legacy assets, operational demands and long term goals. The result is a personalised IT strategy map that sets out a clear path to transformation.
Establishing a Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence (CoE) BEFORE you start your Power Apps journey, means investing in and nurturing organic growth while maintaining governance and control.
A CoE is designed to drive innovation and improvement, and as a central function it can break down geographic and organisational silos. A CoE is a powerful way for you to align around business goals rather than individual department metrics.
Maximise the potential of Power Platform to align with your corporate strategy.
Our Envisioning Workshops will help you discover actionable initiatives to bring your team around a common vision. It can be used to help clearly articulate
a concept to decision makers, taking it from seed to a business case, inform a program of work, or seek short form proposals for a proof of concept.
Factor Advise can help shape your organisations vision, strategy and roadmap for IT transformation, bringing technology in alignment with your business goals.
We work with you to reimagine your technology direction, define where you want to be and show you how to get there.
We provide unique solutions fit for you! Let’s chat and find out how we can help!